ETW Programs:


In 2007, Encouraging the World originated in the mind of its founder during a mountain hike in Cyprus. Since its conception, Encouraging the World (ETW) has worked in orphanages, juvenile homes, schools, and churches throughout the world.

ETW began in Bethlehem working with the Al-Harah Theater Group and Contacting the World. ETW choreographed and co-directed Facehook?!, currently touring the Middle East and Europe. This work aims to communicate the lives and struggles of Arab youth through music, dance, and drama.

ETW has launched several projects in the Philippines to serve orphan and juvenile communities, recruiting 50 volunteers from Thailand, Baltimore, Holland, and the Philippines. These projects included tree plantings, clothing drives, hosting a “Nutrition Month” for an elementary school, and feeding an indigenous community of 600 children and families.

In 2013, ETW was incorporated in Baltimore, Maryland and founded with a vision to offer youth volunteer community revitalization projects, awareness of global competence, international excursions, mentoring, youth leadership and conflict resolution programming.

In 2014, ETW Baltimore Youth served The Children's Light Ministries Orphanage and facilitated programming to support the build their home extension, hosted a youth sexual education workshop, and taught English to children 5 - 18 years old. ETW Baltimore Youth were empowered by facilitating and sharpening their leadership skills.

Encouraging the World was presented with:

2013 BMe Leadership Award

2014 Ambassador of Peace by the Universal Peace Federation


ETW Youth Board
- ETWYB consist of 8-10 youth. Supports ETW with decision making, youth engagement, and programming.

ETW International Service Program
- ETW Youth Ambassadors engage in local community and youth development programming for 1 year.
- ETWYA travel abroad for a 2-week international service enrichment excursion, facilitating youth -led activities for parent-less children and receive leadership training.

ETW Time
- Safe space where youth and community can discuss, create, and form relationships. Produce media, art, speeches, and performance art related works about their lives. Monthly community chosen chats about social, economic, race, arts...


1. ETW Youth Board - To empower a selected group of youth to provide pathways for their peers to engage in positive relationships and opportunities.

2. ETW International Service Program - To expand and provide the ambassadors with a heighten awareness of global affairs and international economies by traveling.

3. ETW Time - To provide a safe space where youth and community can discuss, create, and form relationships. Produce media, art, speeches, and performance art related works about their lives.

Encouraging The World is a program of Fusion Partnerships, Inc..

Friday, September 23, 2011

Inspiring message from ETW volunteer

Lynneth Firmeza 12:25 AM
okay bro... hope to see u then, u know what u inspired me to help out the community... i plan to volunteer in December 2011 at the Cambodia HOPE site during my holidays..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Talks about China.

There is a big chance we will be in China real soon. This year soon!
Calling all Volunteers!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Having FuN with the kids! Learning about Hope Laguna operations.

Today Cirron Greenidge had an orientation with the Social Workers.
Learning the ropes and how the Philippines handles child cases.
Its humid here and today we gave out friendship braclets from Judy Rivas.
We will post some of the picks tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some Activities - Rehab Center of Youth

Elena - Director and Volunteers
Freedom Banner - Youth Project
Let's have some fun!

Which team can work together?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Volunteer Comments - Davao, Philippines

thank You LORD for the opportunities we have because of YOU :)

Cir Ron our brother, the heart of Jesus that you're living is really multiplying. Awesome!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rehab Center for Youth Program - 1st day

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Today we had our first activity at the Rehab Center for the Youth. The youth are 14-18 years old. All male. We started with our normal icebreakers and went straight into our Team Building activities. We laughed, we challenged, some won, some didn't. We were successful at winning the youth's trust and they were pleased to have us at the Rehab.

The teens asked Cirron, if he was scared to be around them.

They said, you know we are bad youth. He simply replied, "no".

"I enjoy what I do" as they asked what is the joy of my heart.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Michael at his new home - Former Gemma kid

He sleeps in this boys house. He has no bed.

Visited Michael (orphan), at his new home. He was excited to see us and we'll see him after my trip from Davao. We brought him some snacks and he was wearing the shirt we received from our donations.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Last touches to our Moasic - Gemma's End and Beginning

We have ended our regularly scheduled program at Gemma because the children were transferred or released. ETW will continue to mentor and visit the kids on a visitation schedule. We ended and begin with Peace On Earth.
The volunteers have already started to visit the kids at Maria.